There are a lot of people that are not enamored of Twitter dismissing it as a trivial one liner affair. These are voluble people that cannot provide interesting or valuable information crisply in 144 characters.
It is only when you actively participate in Twitter that you will become aware that Twitter has more to offer than just the stream of one liners we are used to. Twitter does provide a strong and effective platform although there are some common mistakes that make Twitter at times ineffective.
To succeed on Twitter it is essential that you acquire a large fan base. By not getting a fan base you will simply be speaking to a dumb audience. A fan base is not the same as the target market; it is made up of people who share the same values as you. If your attempts at obtaining a large fan base fail, you will not succeed and quitting Twitter will be your last option.
Traditional marketing has all along been a one way communication where the information is fed to the customers/prospects with no opportunity for them to respond.
Social media including Twitter is entirely different; it is engaging and entails a two way communication where the customers/prospects have the freedom to express their views publicly in response to your tweets.
Running a successful marketing campaign on Twitter calls for meticulous planning and a well-conceived strategy. Twitter is a collaborative effort and you will not be able to make it alone randomly tweeting.
A good marketing campaign should include your fans who are your marketing partners on Twitter. Make sure that your tweets are retweeted and pushed farther to a wider audience and this is exactly how things work on Twitter.
Unfortunately, most business owners focus on just a few tweets that are unimaginative. Remember that your fans want to see new things and you will need to compose several hundred tweets to keep them following you. Bombarding the audience with the same old thing for a long time will lead to boredom and this will be followed by massive ‘unfollows’.
A marketing campaign on Twitter will work successfully if you understand your audience. You must identify your target market and know their needs, then tactfully use Twitter to solve their problems and fulfill their needs.
Since Twitter only allows a few characters, you have little space for you to say maximum. You should utilize this narrow space impact fully by occasionally tweeting links to your website, blog, or to other social media pages. If you have a good following, you can rest assured that your Twitter marketing strategy will be successful.