Effective Blog Marketing Checklist

Effective Blog Marketing Checklist

If you have decided to build an effective blog, you have to make sure that you have a purposeful and rewarding blog rather than just another page on your website.

It is prudent to have a checklist when writing blog posts. The checklist serves as a reminder before you hit that publish button.

Besides, by adhering to some simple checklist, you can use your blog to immensely benefit your business and generate fresh sales leads.  Find below some effective blog marketing checklist:

  • The first thing a reader notices is your headline. The headline has to be attention-grabbing to tempt the reader to click on your link. If you feel necessary, write a separate headline for your title tag putting your keywords up front if possible.
  • You should provide a compelling introduction– try to offer a thought-provoking question or maybe some well-researched statistics that relates to the subject of your post.
  • It is critically important to do a spell check as well as grammar check. Do not take things for granted even if you are a language expert and capable of writing flawless English.
  • Even with a presentable blog post, a picture or some visual image helps to enhance the reader worthiness of your blog. Take care to include a photo that is appropriate and relevant to your post.
  • Avoid large paragraphs that your reader will find resentful. Keep your paragraphs around 3-4 sentences and start a fresh paragraph with a change in thought. Add subheadings to emphasize different segments in your post.
  • ·      A blog post without links is mundane and mostly ineffective. Links help readers find other posts on your blog and it also helps with SEO.
  • Regardless what the purpose of your blog is, include a call to action (CTA) and inform your reader what you want them to do next.

Many businesses fail to understand the importance of obtaining regular loyal blog readers. Please remember that the vaster your reader circle and more readers you can get to subscribe to your blog, the greater your business returns.

Also, remember that blog readers appreciate consistency and the foreknowledge when to expect new content. It is wise to draw up a regular blogging schedule and adhere to it.

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